Worldprofit's Lead Funnel Landing and Squeeze Page System.

Worldprofit's Lead Funnel Landing and Squeeze Page System


Video File Link: Download Here

What it is.

The Lead Funnel is a very powerful and dynamic tool built with simplicity in mind.
It's a lead generation system AND a sales system all in one.
We know that most of our Members are promoting a number of Affiliate Marketing programs, or other product and services as well as Worldprofit services so this tool will benefit you. Feedback from our Members is that they find this tool very helpful, easy to use and profitable! 

How it Works:

1. Enter the websites you wish to promote into your Lead Funnel 
2. Click the link to review your landing page funnel.
NOTE:  You want to be sure to enter your Affiliate Links into the system so that when someone lands on your page they see YOUR affiliate links. If they decide to signup or purchase from any of the sites you have listed, YOU get the lead and/or money from the sale.

VERY IMPORTANT: Please make CERTAIN you enter your links CORRECTLY!

Remember, the Lead Funnel is both a LEAD Generation System AND a Sales System.

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