How To Safeguard Your Online Business Against Fake Signups Using An Easy Peezy Solution That's FREE.

How To Safeguard Your Online Business Against Fake Signups Using An Easy Peezy Solution That's FREE


Video File Link: Download Here

I decided it was time to clear up exactly how you can protect your business from bogus leads that you pay your hard earned money for once and for all.

I not only show you HOW they do it but HOW to PROTECT against it.

Simply put, you pay for some company to send traffic to your form so that you can generate leads. They promise you 200 signups for say $50. How can you determine if the form you give them is being filled out by humans?

1. Scan IP addresses of the people signing up for duplicates? NOPE

2. Scan the browser signature to make sure it's not the same for everyone? NOPE

3. Check for a referring URL to see where they are coming from? NOPE

4. Okay,  how about double optin? NOPE

Give up?

What the video for my method!


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