How To Administrate Your Worldprofit Safelist Exchange System.

How To Administrate Your Worldprofit Safelist Exchange System


Video File Link: Download Here

Welcome to your new Safelist & Exchange Traffic System

Your new site is very powerful and will generate an enormous list for you as time goes on. The most important thing you can do is promote this website. This all works ONLY if you promote and generate a steady stream of new signups. As your member list grows you will be able to make money from them upgrading to either the monthly package or full lifetime package. Each package has it bonuses which can be changed. The monthly and lifetime upgrades are the only options at this time but are based on our experience working several safelists over the past 3 years.

The menu system is broken down into two areas. The member menu which you always see on the login page and your Admin Menu which appears floating at the top left by default. You can move it around if you like using the buttons shown. Just remember, you control your system from that menu while at the same time  you can actually enter banners and ads to as a member. That way you know how the system works from the member's point of view.

The program is complex but serves the purpose of building you a list. The support for your customers will be handled by Worldprofit's staff and soon we will build a form that allows your members to contact you directly. It will be optional and can be controlled from your admin area.

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