Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch for 21 July 2017
Video File Link: Download Here
Review of Live interactive Home business Bootcamp training with George Kosch Friday July 21, 2017.
George Kosch kicked off the weekly training session promptly at 9 AM ET - must be that military training - punctuality!
We had a full house today with many participants from around the world and lots of good questions!
The best way to get your questions answered and see online demonstrations is to attend Worldprofit's LIVE weekly training so George can assist you personally. Members who can't attend the LIVE sessions, submit your questions via Support Ticket, George will answer them and you can watch the recording later when convenient for you. George answered some really good questions during the training session about promoting and getting results, you will want to hear the answers - watch the recording. Link to recording is included below.
Major topics covered in this session
Online Bootcamp Lessons and IMPORTANCE of Lesson 3.
Lesson 3 is the meat of the training, it's about promotion - VITAL to your success.
To grow your online business you must master the basics of promotion. Learn these skills, practice them and you can grow any and all your online businesses, affiliate programs, MLM and of course your Worldprofit business.
Lesson 3 also reveals how to activate valuable bonuses included in your Silver membership
Featured Worldprofit software and products
Worldprofit's Prospect Manager
Worldprofit's Offer Builder
Recommended Safelists and Exchanges
Worldprofit's Fast Track Advertising Co-op
Worldprofit's 23rd Birthday Offers continue!
Enjoy discounts on ONE, TWO and THREE Year Silver and Platinum VIP memberships.
Also enjoy savings on a COMBO TRAFFIC Package, or get your own Safelist Exchange.
Silver Members can upgrade to Platinum VIP Membership on a MONTHLY basis or for a 1, 2 or 3 year membership term.
Submit a support ticket to get your personalized quote.
Loyalty bonuses are being served up to our long term Members, and Monitors enjoy reserved rates and bonuses.
Jane Mark: New service just released from Jane Mark to be integrated into Worldprofit Member area, watch for announcements.
Amazon is discontinuing their current A Stores model at the end of October, no worries here though they are producing some new tools and services that can easily be integrated into Worldprofit's system. We will be setting this up closer to September when Amazon is closer to finalizing their new service.
Monitors: We are inviting applications for JR Monitors. All training is provided. Pick your own hours. All you need is a web camera and a headset for your computer. SR Monitors enjoy a number of perks (leads, cash rewards, traffic) for volunteering their time in Worldprofit's Live Business Center. Best way to learn about Worldprofit's system and all the resources available. Interested? Submit a Support ticket and we will send you details.
To our current team of Monitors, you folks are AWESOME - thank you for volunteering your time to help others in our home business community as you yourself learn and grow your online business.
The next LIVE home business and affiliate marketing bootcamp trainig with George Kosch is Friday July 28th, 2017.
Thank you to everyone who attended the training session, here are a few comments.
Gary: Thank you For another day of great info
David: thank you George
will: love it
Alan: thank you again George
Robert: thank You George always a great session
Mark: Thanx George, you're a star :-)
Rosalie: Thanks for another great session.
Fran: Good meeting!