Clickbank Super Store - Thousands Of In Demand Products On YOUR Website
Video File Link: Download Here
A number of Worldprofit Members are actively promoting ClickBank products.
To help you with that....
Worldprofit has built and now released a new CLICKBANK SUPER STORE.
Now you can have Worldprofit's CLICKBANK SUPERSTORE installed in minutes on your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership site.
Your Worldprofit CLICKBANK SUPER STORE is...
- searchable
- customizable
- pre-loaded with nearly 10,000 ClickBank products
- allows you to promote ClickBank products direct from your site
- option to promote specific products, or categories with direct access links
- another way for you to earn more from the sale of ClickBank products.
- easily installed with 1 click on your Silver or Platinum VIP site
- enjoy the benefits of a professional URL within your domain name
- Worldprofit ads new products to the Superstore as required so you don't have to
- Worldprofit created this software so if you need any help you get support direct from our Support Team.
Overview and HELP Video of Worldprofit's CLICKBANK Superstore:
Here's how to get your ClickBank Super Store
1. If you are a Silver or Platinum VIP Member who has previously purchased the CB ENGINE and have the old ClickBank store installed on your site you can upgrade it at NO COST to the NEW Super Store.
In your Member area, on TOP MENU, click on CLICKBANK STORE, near the top of that page click where it says "CLICKBANK SUPER STORE"
Follow instructions there for one click installation.
2. If you are a PLATINUM VIP Member who has NOT purchased CB Engine you get the new CLICKBANK SUPER STORE at no cost.
In your Member area, on TOP MENU, click on CLICKBANK STORE, follow instructions there to easily self-install your store.
3. If you are a SILVER Member, who has not purchased CB Engine, you can get the new CLICKBANK SUPERSTORE for a ONE TIME discounted fee of $29.95 US.
In your Member area, on TOP MENU, click on CLICKBANK STORE to order then follow the self install directions for 1 click installation.
Looking for even more ways to promote Clickbank products with your Worldprofit Membership tools?
In your Worldprofit Member area under the CLICKBANK STORE section, you can also use these tools to promote your Clickbank business.
ClickBank Promo Kit - Valuable tool useful for promoting Clickbank products on your site, your newsletter to your prospect manager list
Worldprofit's Clickbank PROMO KIT is included in both Silver and Platinum VIP Membership.
Link Cloaker / Masker - included in both Silver and Platinum VIP Membership.
ClickBank Maximizer Autoresponse System
The Clickbank Maximizer is one of Worldprofit's most popular software tools and a favorite among serious ClickBankers.
Watch the TOUR video for full details on the capabilities of this product.
This is an optional service available at a discounted rate for Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members.